DIAL Mid-term Conference 2019 organized by Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL)


DIAL Mid-term Conference 2019 organized by Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL)

06.06.2019 - 08.06.2019
Turku (Finnland)

The DIAL programme is focused on understanding the dynamics of inequalities as they unfold over the life course, causal processes and drivers in relation to these inequalities, and the impact of these inequalities on social cohesion.

In particular, the programme is structured around four themes that reflect transitions and trajectories at key stages of the life course:

  1. Early life influences and outcomes;
  2. Early adult transitions into tertiary education, vocational training and economic activity;
  3. Labour market and family trajectories and the growth of inequality;
  4. Labour market participation in later life and retirement.

An emphasis is placed on examining inequality from a number of different dimensions, including education, employment, income, housing, living standards, health and wellbeing.

The organizing committee welcomes submissions that address the themes of the research programme from both researchers working in DIAL projects as well as other scholars working on these topics.

Frist für Abstracts: 11. Januar 2019