Tagung: What is "Bildung"? A new "Bildung"-Agenda for Europe


Tagung: What is "Bildung"? A new "Bildung"-Agenda for Europe

10:20 bis 16:00 Uhr
Haus der Begegnung, Otto Bauer-Gasse 7, 1060 Wien

Im Rahmen eines Projekts an dem zahlreiche europäische Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen beteiligt sind, wurde an einem neuen Konzept von "Bildung" gearbeitet. Der Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen hat sich insbesondere im Bereich "Demokratie und Bildung" eingebracht. Am 22.03. werden die Ergebnisse des Gesamtprojekts im Veranstaltungszentrum Wien-Mariahilf präsentiert und diskutiert, die Teilnahme ist kostenlos (Konferenzsprache Englisch). Die genaue Tagesordnung folgt in den nächsten Tagen.

The Bildung project contributes to innovation of the European adult education sector by adopting the holistic concept of "Bildung" and exploring its political and practical potential for adult learning and education.

The multiple challenges and rapid changes in our societies in Europe demand us to rethink the role of education. While Lifelong Learning is widely accepted as the main concept, we have to rethink the role and concepts of Adult Learning and Education (ALE). This is essential if we want to equip citizens with the skills to make informed decisions and take transformative action in the world shaped by e.g. climate change, digitalisation and social divide.

The "Bildung”-project contributes to this re-thinking by making use of the concept of "Bildung” for conceptualising ALE. The concept, rooted in the tradition of the enlightenment and the Nordic Folkbildning envisages an education, targeting all aspects of development of individuals, communities and societies, including e.g. ethical, emotional and scientific dimensions in a holistic manner.

Eleven partners from all over Europe will explored the use this concept for the ALE sector in the fields of digitalisation, sustainability, democracy and basic skills education.

BILDUNG offers decision makers and ALE providers on the European and national level with:

  • A conceptual framework and recommendation on how to widen ALE services and structures using the "Bildung” lens
  • Good practices of projects from various regions in Europe already using the Bildung/Folkbildning approach
  • Real and virtual spaces for exchange and peer learning

The Outputs of the project will be presented and discussed on March 22nd.

Teilnahmegebühr: kostenlos

Anmeldeschluss: 08.03.2023

Logo Bildung inclusive Lifelong Learning systems