Author/Authoress: | Nolda, Sigrid /Kade, Jochen |
Title: | Lebenslange Lerner – Bildungsbiografische (Dis-)Kontinuitäten differenter Formen des Lernens von Fremdsprachen |
Journal: | |
Volume: | 38 |
Year: | 2015 |
Issue No.: | 1 |
Pages: | 37–51 |
Subject descriptor: | Bildungsbedürfnis / Biografieforschung |
Link: | |
Abstract: | The following article focuses the neglected relation between identity and learning by reconstructing foreign language learning efforts by adults. In spite of educational policy’s proclamation of (continuous) lifelong learning, real learning processes are characterised by various discontinuities. Adults deal with these discontinuities by perceiving, describing and structuring them dependent on their self-images as learners. Interpretations of interviews with adult language learners supply evidence for three strategic forms of identity: the identity as a “heroic” learner; the identity as a “natural” learner; and the identity as a “potential” learner. The different identities, altering during the course of life, maintain continuity even when learning activities turn out to be discontinuous. |