
Database on the statistics of the Austrian Adult Education Centres (VHS)

Since 1985, the Association of Austrian Adult Education, within the framework of the educational research area of the Educational Work and Research Unit of the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres, has compiled detailed statistics, collecting data on the development of participation according to social group, region, age, and subject area, as well as on course offerings according to subject area. The statistics, beginning in 1950, document the impressive process of expansion of the Adult Education Institutes in Austria.

As part of the Knowledge Base Erwachsenbildung, the production of the statistics is further developed with the help of online support. Each individual Adult Education Institute has the possibility to directly enter its statistical data via a web-interface, just like the provincial associations, which support the institutes in their reorganisation. By means of this direct entry system, a much higher degree of differentiation of the statistical results will be reached on a medium-term basis. At the moment, the statistical data is differentiated according to federal provinces, however, this data will be made available at the level of the individual Adult Education Institute by the statistics project area of the Knowledge Base Erwachsenbildung.

Further Information

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Statistics Reports and Evaluations

[ No. ] [ Title ]sort descending [ Author ] [ Publication Year ]
1 Auswertung der internen Fortbildung 2015 Peter Zwielehner 2015
2 Berufliche Bildung an Volkshochschulen Stefan Vater, Peter Zwielehner 2016
3 Das Bildungsinteresse erwachsener VHS-Teilnehmer im Spiegel der Statistik Ursula Lux 1974
4 Sprachen - Daten - Perspektiven. Sprachenlernen an Österreichischen Volkshochschulen Elisabeth Feigl, Peter Zwielehner 2019
5 VHS Leistungsbericht 1985 (für die AJ 1983/84) Gabriela Gangoly, Ulrike Demelius 1985